
HANS DE WIT: Markers, drawings.

In the video series 'Makers' ARTtube focuses on five artistic disciplines. ARTtube wants to visualize how artists and designers work and why they choose for a specific technique or material. This episode focusses on one of the most ancient forms of art: drawing.

Drawing material on a base, that is the foundation of drawing art. But there is more to it than that. You find a diverse range of materials in this medium, for example pencil, aquarel, charcoal or pen on paper, wall, plastic, books, large, small, or even unusual materials like varnish. No matter what kind of material, the hand of the master is visible. But how do artists work with a certain material in their drawings? And what kind of materials do they use?

ARTtube visited Dutch artists Hans de Wit (1952) and Arno Kramer (1945) in Museum De Pont in Tilburg. The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam started specially for ARTtube one of the drawing machines of Jean Tinguely (1925-1991).

The exhibition 'LONGING' of Arno Kramer was shown from March 22 up to June 15 at the Museum De Pont in Tilburg.

Editor, camera and sound: Luuk Heezen

Production: Luuk Heezen and Esther de Graaff

Music: Backed Vibes Clean, by Kevin MacLeod

Special thanks to: De Pont Tilburg, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Arno Kramer, Hans de Wit, Bart Rutten, Marie-Jose Eijkemans




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